A protein packed chocolate elixir on steroids

Chocolate Chia Seed Strawberry Smoothie

Smoothie recipes are popping up everywhere. This concoction is inspired by Thug Kitchen, one of my favorite blogs. Recipe is adapted from the delicious Strawberry Oat Smoothie. I love the addition of incorporating rolled oats into a drink, and the mint leaves really add a refreshing punch.

Yes, I had to give my version a chocolate twist, because that’s how things roll around here.

I’ve also made a few other adjustments like adding chia seeds to smack it up even more.

I’m always on the lookout for interesting ways to work chocolate into my healthy regime, contrary to popular belief… I’m very health conscious, and love experimenting with the latest super-foods. You might say I’m a supplement, super-food junkie. Right now chia seeds are THE big deal.  These tiny nutrient rich protein packed powerhouses, sport all of the latest good for you odds and ends, to help keep you in tip- top shape.

 Chia seed fascinating facts

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are native to South America and have been a staple in Mayan and Aztec diets for centuries. They come from the desert plant Salvia Hispanica

A standard 2 tbsp (24 g) serving of chia seeds contains:

  • Calories: 117
  • Protein: 4 grams
  • Fat: 7.4 grams
  • Fiber: 8.3 grams

Each 2 tbsp serving of chia offers:

  • Five times the omega-3 content of a 1/4-cup serving of walnuts
  • Twice the iron and magnesium of a cup of spinach
  • As much calcium as a half-cup of milk
  • As much potassium as a third of a banana
  • More than twice the fiber of a cup of oatmeal
(source: bodybuilding.com)

Chocolate Chia Seed Strawberry Smoothie

  1. 2 cups frozen strawberries
  2. 1 frozen banana, broken up in chunks
  3. 1 1/2 cups chocolate soy or almond milk (if too sweet you can dilute with half water)
  4. ½ cup rolled oats
  5. 3 TBS chia seeds ( also available in powder)
  6. 1-2 scoops protein powder
  7. 8-10 fresh mint leaves

Toss in a blender and mix until all of the ingredients are well mingled, then knock it back. Makes 1-2 cups.

All is good in the chocolate hood.

This is just one of the many ways you can lap up chia seeds. Try tossing them on a salad, sprinkle on an omelet or hot cereal, for an extra nutritional boost.

While you’re at it, fling some chocolate on top.

Any thoughts on chia seeds?

Until next time,

Peace, Love, Chocolate.

The Chocolate Addict.com

NOTE: please understand that I am an academically challenged right-brainer, and forgive any typos, grammatical faux pas, and things that don’t make sense.