Just a short post wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2014, thank-you so much for taking the time to visit my blog. I also thought you might enjoy meeting my darling kitty “Kabuki”. Famous for his good looks and living up to his name …  enjoy these spectacular shots from his latest Christmas performance. And learn what Kabuki means.

Kabuki Kitty


Always Naughty …

Kabuki is a style of classical Japanese theater performance
that dates back to the 1600’s.


Kabuki Kitty has a nick-name “little big-mouth”

Kabuki is sometimes translated as “the art of singing and dancing”


I’m ready for my close up

Kabuki theatre is known for the stylization of its drama
and for the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers.


Award Winning Christmas Kabuki Glamour Shot

Since the word kabuki is believed to derive from the verb kabuku, meaning “to be out of the ordinary”, kabuki can be interpreted as “avant-garde” or “bizarre” theatre.


But in my world, Kabuki just means King of Cuteness.

Kabuki and Katreece

Kabuki and Katreece

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Until next time,

Peace, Love, Chocolate,

Katreece and Kabuki
The Chocolate Addict.com

NOTE: please understand that I am an academically challenged right-brainer, and forgive any typos, grammatical faux pas, and things that don’t make sense.